Author’s seminar “Human and the ways of his development”


The author’s seminar “Human and the ways of his development” begins on the 26th of November.

“Humans and the Ways of Their Development”.

“ Learning the inner world and opening the consciousness every human is able to completely understand all the processes that happen around him and to go his ways through life deliberately, becoming its Creator and Originator.”

The main goal of the seminar is to give a complete view of human inner world to the participants and to show different ways of its development.

The seminar includes 4 lectures and electro-punctual testing using the “Crystal” methods.
The testing is carried out by the author of the method Strelnikov A. N at the beginning of the seminar.

During the lectures the authors of the seminar are guided by the results of this testing, and it helps to understand the given material more deeply using the personal example of every participant. Further they can use this information for the process of self-knowledge and self-development.

The subjects under consideration during the seminar are:

  1. Psychological Condition. Every listener will be able to evaluate thoroughly his or her psychological condition, features of cognitive activity and personal development.
  2. Human Energy Informational System. . To get the basic ideas of the human Energy Information System, activity of consciousness and subconsciousness.
  3. Human Consciousness. To learn the ways of consciousness disclosure and, according to the testing results, to define the necessary steps for achieving this goal.
  4. Physical Health. To see on your personal experience how physical well-being depends on your moral and spiritual development, on the level of consciousness disclosure and your own individual psychological characteristics.
  5. Life periods. To consider the main periods of a person’s life and the features of their passing.

To learn more about us and to make an appointment with the group, please,
call 8(495)510-08-82
e-mail us:
or fill out an application here

Duration of the seminar is 6 hours.
Every group consists of 5 persons.
We provide an individual approach for every person.
Participation costs 5000 rub.

Our address: Mosсow, Staroalexseevskaya street 8, office №6
(near the “Alexseevskaya” metro station)
walk 1-3 minutes

The authors of the seminar use integral and many-sided approach to the development of every person. They orient participants to the process of self-knowledge, recognition of life sense and ways of development.